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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Charlotte's Web

Charlotte's Web is the book that our parents read to us in pre-school or we read to ourselves in 2nd grade. For me it was both, it was read to me at 4 and I read it again the summer before 2nd grade. Charlotte's Web was one of those books that you could not wait to get home and read. When I herd that we had to read this book I was confused, why are we going to read this book for a 2nd grader when we are in 8th grade? Though all my confusion was lost when I pulled the book down from the shelf in the den. I could almost see my self 6 years ago running up to my room after school or camp or anything. I could escape into this book in a way that had only been described to me. The honesty in this book is so well honest. With our world everything has one single goal perfection, and goals are good with out them we would never get anywhere or stride to do anything, but when everything must be perfect and anything less than perfect is worthless what can we turn to?
At age 7 you don't have many cares you wake up get dressed go to school play with friends go home sleep and eat. In 8th grade it's completely different you’re up later and earlier and doing as much as you can every second in between. Reading should not have to be something you feel you have to do (unless it's for a class) it should be your way of escaping from everything being able to relax and forget about anything you want to forget. When you read a book (if it is a good book) you should be able to leave yourself behind and be where that book is forget everything until the last page. Though the book did not have quite the same experience for me the second time around I could see why I enjoyed it so much. I can still see how there is no sugar coating. Parts with Charlotte and Wilbur when they first meet are completely honest and admire Charlotte for that. When Wilbur finds out that Charlotte sucks blood he is a poled, Charlotte points out something that we see in the real world too “you can’t talk you have ypur ,eals brought to you 3 times a day, I must mind my own food and this is the only way I know how.” The book is honest and I think that with younger kids nothing is more important. At 6 or 7 you don't always understand the meaning of a lie or how someone can chose not to tell the truth. This is why I and others probably found this book so special we subconsciously knew why we loved it with out fully understanding.
This book is amazing and I am so glad that I can now say that I understand why I loved and everyone before me who loved this book loved it.

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